IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Carmen Hernández-Crespo

Carmen Hernández-Crespo

Researcher, Universitat Politècnica de València
Jose Luis Molto Marin

Jose Luis Molto Marin

R&D Project Manager, Tedagua (Grupo COBRA)
Gabriel Acien

Gabriel Acien

Professor, University of Almeria
Luis fernando ramirez

Luis fernando ramirez

Cloud Operations Engineer, Valid
Luke de Vial

Luke de Vial

Water Resources Specialist, Waterlevel
Joan Rosselló-Geli

Joan Rosselló-Geli

Associate , UOC
Doha Zamel

Doha Zamel

Water Engineer, Union For the Mediterranean
Irene Ferigo

Irene Ferigo

Student, Universitat de Barcelona
Daniela Cid Escobar

Daniela Cid Escobar

PhD student, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya
Nerea Rubia Pina

Nerea Rubia Pina

Technical Manager Sustainable Development, Canaragua
Nuria Rodríguez Murillo

Nuria Rodríguez Murillo

Programma Officer, Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations
Jesús Soler

Jesús Soler

R+D+i Climate change and urban resilience project manager, Aquatec