IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Amb. Zara Jane Juan

Amb. Zara Jane Juan

President , Wellness Pilipinas International
Antonio Branco

Antonio Branco

Senior Officer, Portuguese Envirnoment Agency
Ahmed Tiamiyu

Ahmed Tiamiyu

Executive Director, Community Action Against Plastic Waste (CAPws)
Jia Cong Ang

Jia Cong Ang

Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat
Ayman Rabi

Ayman Rabi

Executive Director, Palestinian Hydrology Group
Max Olupot

Max Olupot

Managing Director , African Centre for Field Schools and Innovation
Nawaz Muhammad

Nawaz Muhammad

Water Resources and GIS Specialist, Landell Mills International
Rym Ouachani

Rym Ouachani

Assistant Professor, National Engineering School of Tunis
Asad Ullah

Asad Ullah

Junior GIS Specialist, Rehman Habib Consultants Private Limited
Sadia Bibi

Sadia Bibi

Postdoc, Zhejiang Univesrsity
Muhammad Tousif Bhatti

Muhammad Tousif Bhatti

Regional Researcher, International Water Management Institute
Carlos Gustavo Rovello Gando

Carlos Gustavo Rovello Gando

Engineer, Banariego Cia Ltda.