IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Niels Vlaanderen

Niels Vlaanderen

Coordinator International Water affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Netherlands
Dorji Khando

Dorji Khando

Mr., Department of Water
Abdoulfatah ARAB

Abdoulfatah ARAB

deputy director of the great green walls, Sous-direction de la Grande Muraille Verte et CST
Ahmed Gamal Yehia

Ahmed Gamal Yehia

Manager of Environmental Affairs, Holding company for water and wastewater
Peter Adegede

Peter Adegede

State Coordinator/Deputy Director, Raw Materials Research and Development Council
Anim Ofosu

Anim Ofosu

Senior Lecturer, Researcher
Dr. Leslyn Ann Garraway

Dr. Leslyn Ann Garraway

Training Officer, Civil Defence Commission
Alejandro Escudero

Alejandro Escudero

Ingeniero Agrónomo , Gobierno Regional de Atacama, Chile
Ane Veriane

Ane Veriane

Mrs, Ministry of Public Works
Andile Ntshalintshali

Andile Ntshalintshali

Team leader , Malkerns Research Centre


Head of Sub-division, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Aletta Phoshoko

Aletta Phoshoko

Water Quality Specialist, City of uMhlathuze Municipality