IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Dorji Khando

Dorji Khando

Mr., Department of Water
Lam Dorji

Lam Dorji

Consultant, Centre for Environment and Development
Tshering Wangmo

Tshering Wangmo

Soil fertility and plant nutrition officer, Agriculture research and development center
Yonten Tshering

Yonten Tshering

Sr. Extension Supervisor , Dzongkhag Administration, Wangdue
Haka Drukpa

Haka Drukpa

Mr, NSSC, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock
Haka Drukpa

Haka Drukpa

Deputy Chief Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Royal Government of Bhutan
Dechen Gyeltshen

Dechen Gyeltshen

Meteorologist, National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology
Haka Drukpa

Haka Drukpa

Mr, MoAL
Karma Yangzom Dorji

Karma Yangzom Dorji

Hydrologist, Private
Deki Choden

Deki Choden

Building Inspector , Thimphu Thromde