IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Rebecca Sands

Rebecca Sands

Network Officer and GESI Focal Point, Water Integrity Network
Nirupama Nair

Nirupama Nair

Graduate Student, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Karim Sghaier

Karim Sghaier

Project Manager, NIRAS IP Consult GmbH
Sabine Blumstein

Sabine Blumstein

Senior Water Manager, adelphi
Daniel Anim

Daniel Anim

Student, University of Stuttgart
Claire Grandadam

Claire Grandadam

Communications Coordinator, WIN
Iván Molina Allende

Iván Molina Allende

Hydrogeology Data Management, EGLV
Shahana Bilalova

Shahana Bilalova

PhD fellow, NEWAVE
Tobias Bohne

Tobias Bohne

Consultant, Global Water Partnership
Bernhard Butzin

Bernhard Butzin

Prof. Dr., Univresity of Bochum, Germany