IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Messaoud LAZEREG

Messaoud LAZEREG

Researcher, Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquee pour le Developpement
douaoudi nawel

douaoudi nawel

Student, Université
Wendwesen Taddesse Sahile

Wendwesen Taddesse Sahile

Student, Pan Africa University Inistitute of Water and Energy Sciences including Climate Change
Chihab Eddine Rahmoun

Chihab Eddine Rahmoun

Water policy student, Pan African University
Fendouchi Mahmoud

Fendouchi Mahmoud

forest officer , general directorate of forestry
Saliha Bouakline

Saliha Bouakline

Directory , Gouvernement
rachedi sabrina

rachedi sabrina

Divisor director of reforestation , Direction générale des forêts
Petronella Chingina

Petronella Chingina

Student, Pan African University of Water and Energy Sciences
Elizabeth Momanyi

Elizabeth Momanyi

Master's Student in Water Engineering , Abou Bakr Belkaïd University of Tlemcen (Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Science (PAUWES), Algeria
Aristote Bashokwire Masimango

Aristote Bashokwire Masimango

Student, Pan african university
Sehili Ibrahim

Sehili Ibrahim

Installer , Bba
Fatma Messaoud

Fatma Messaoud

Ambassador , Femwise Africa