IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

David Munthali

David Munthali

Technical Advisor - Agriculture, Livelihoods and Environment, Catholic Relief Services
Jonathan Kafausiyanji

Jonathan Kafausiyanji

Founder and Executive Director, Elyon's Access
Christopher Gama

Christopher Gama

Student , Student
Raphael Mushani

Raphael Mushani

Operations Manager, SwoopAero
Marcus Mulwa

Marcus Mulwa

Student , Student
Abraham Manguwo

Abraham Manguwo

Executive Director , Foundation for Rural Development FORUD
Mariam Kadzamira

Mariam Kadzamira

Co-Founder, Youth Enterprise Services
Isaiah Sei

Isaiah Sei

WASH Technical Program Manager , World vision international
Grey Sagawa

Grey Sagawa

Not applicable, Not applicable
Philip Banda

Philip Banda

Founder and Initiatives Team Lead , Innovative Solutions Platform
Brighton Chunga

Brighton Chunga

Head of Water and Sanitation Department, Mzuzu University
Solomon Kalima

Solomon Kalima

Principal Transboundary Water Resources Officer, Department of Water Resources