IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Isaac Goke

Isaac Goke

Collaborateur du Point Focal UNCCD/Bénin, Direction Générale de l'Environnement et du Climat Benin
Denis Maholo

Denis Maholo

Uganda NFP-UNCCD, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
Thizwilondi Suzan

Thizwilondi Suzan

director , goverment
maxwell maturure

maxwell maturure

Manager - Environmental Planning and Monitoring, Environmental Management Agency
Janvier Murengerantwari

Janvier Murengerantwari

Advisor, OBPE
Gibrilla Kamara

Gibrilla Kamara

Asst. Director , Ministry of Environment and climate change
Bongani Masuku

Bongani Masuku

STC, Government
Berexford Jallah

Berexford Jallah

Assistant Manager for GIS & Remote Sensing, Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia
Fevziye Aslan

Fevziye Aslan

Forest Engineer , General Directorate of Forestry
Esmaeil Adib Majd

Esmaeil Adib Majd

Zayandehroud IWRM member, Shahrekord University
Emilio Velasquez

Emilio Velasquez

Ingeniero en informática, Minec
Abdullahi Diriye

Abdullahi Diriye

Director of Food Security and Social Protection Department, Somali Disaster Management Agency FGS