IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Mawunyo Kofiloto

Mawunyo Kofiloto

Assistant Distribution Officer (Civil Engineer), Ghana Water Limited
Eduardo Comellas

Eduardo Comellas

Investigador en GIRH, Instituto Nacional del Agua -INA-
mohammed talal

mohammed talal

trainer, org
Haka Drukpa

Haka Drukpa

Deputy Chief Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Royal Government of Bhutan
Dechen Gyeltshen

Dechen Gyeltshen

Meteorologist, National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology
Sanjay Kumar Shukla

Sanjay Kumar Shukla

Inspector General of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Haka Drukpa

Haka Drukpa

Mr, MoAL
Saminda Vithanage

Saminda Vithanage

Assistant Engineer, National Water Supply & Drainage Board Sri Lanka
salam ababneh

salam ababneh

projects management engineer, Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Laurica Afrikaner

Laurica Afrikaner

Senior Hydrologist , Ministry of Agriculture water and land reform
Carla Branco

Carla Branco

Coordinator, IFAP,pt
Oluwatosin James

Oluwatosin James

Principal Technical Officer, Nigeria Integrated Water Resources Management Commission