IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Ermela Kraja

Ermela Kraja

Head of sector, WRMA
David Molefha

David Molefha

Chief Water Resources Engineer , Department Of Water and Sanitation -Botswana
Elona Kuci

Elona Kuci

Director, Finance and Support Service Directory, Water Resources Management Agency
Xhemi Jaupaj

Xhemi Jaupaj

Environmental Engineer, Water Resources Management Agency
Sepina Chepape

Sepina Chepape

Water Plant Superintendent, Department of Water and Sanitation
Amanda Duff

Amanda Duff

Adviser, FCDO
Hejratullah Hejran

Hejratullah Hejran

Trans boundary water specialist , Ministry of Water and Energy of Afghanistan
Namurebire Yosam

Namurebire Yosam

Sociologist, Ministry of Water and Environment
Samaa El Baroudy

Samaa El Baroudy

Senior water resources engineer , Ministry of water resources & irrigation
Ache Tahar Sougoudi

Ache Tahar Sougoudi

Coordinatrice Nationale du Recojac Tchad, Ministère de l'hydraulique
Ache Tahar Sougoudi

Ache Tahar Sougoudi

Coordinatrice Nationale du Recojac Tchad, Ministère de l'hydraulique
Henry Terungwa Karshima

Henry Terungwa Karshima

Senior Forest Officer, Federal Ministry of Environment, Department of Forestry