IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Luci Waisman

Luci Waisman

Founder, Ndl
Natalia Gomez Solano

Natalia Gomez Solano

MSc Student, WUR
Renato Jimenez

Renato Jimenez

Activista, Civil Society
Maureen Ballestero

Maureen Ballestero

Especialista en recursos hídricos PNUD, PNUD
Gilmar Navarrete Chacón

Gilmar Navarrete Chacón

Ingeniero Forestal, FONAFIFO
Pascal Girot

Pascal Girot

Director, Escuela de Geografía, Universidad de Costa Rica
Paola Fuentes

Paola Fuentes

Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica
Guillermo Alvarado Córdoba

Guillermo Alvarado Córdoba

Ing. Forestal, PNUD
Felipe Montoya-Greenheck

Felipe Montoya-Greenheck

Professor, York University
Irene Murillo Ruin

Irene Murillo Ruin

Abogada Ambiental, Consultora
Edgar Gutierrez

Edgar Gutierrez

retired, none
Edgar E. Gutierrez-Espeleta

Edgar E. Gutierrez-Espeleta

Policy Advisor, UNCCD