IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Ala'a Homaidan

Ala'a Homaidan

Project Leader, INWRDAM
Maram Al Naimat

Maram Al Naimat

Climate change and drought monitoring researcher, National agricultural research center
Salsabeal Abo-Thrais

Salsabeal Abo-Thrais

Research and Studies Specialist , Royal Scientific Society
Ala'a Homaidan

Ala'a Homaidan

Project Leader, INWRDAM
Sanaa Al Zyoud

Sanaa Al Zyoud

Associate professor , Al al-Bayt university
Leena Irshaid

Leena Irshaid

Assistant profesor , Al Balqa Applied University
anwar aladwan

anwar aladwan

director, Jordan valley authority
Hakam Mandouri

Hakam Mandouri

Climate Change & Resilience Officer, IUCN ROWA
Leen Al Faqih

Leen Al Faqih

knowledge management specialist, freelance
Esraa Tarawneh

Esraa Tarawneh

Assistant Dean of Scientific Research , Mutah University
Ahmed AbuRumman

Ahmed AbuRumman

GIS technician officer, INWRDAM
Serena Sandri

Serena Sandri

Associate Professor and Scientific Coordinator of BONEX in Jordan, German Jordanian University