IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Margaux Rundstadler

Margaux Rundstadler

Director public affairs & communications, CropLife Africa Middle East
Hanane Ait ouaarab

Hanane Ait ouaarab

ingenieur, DGM


Chief of climate data Bank, General Directorate of Meteorology
Qadem Zohair

Qadem Zohair

Researcher, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez.Morocco
Sabir Oussaoui

Sabir Oussaoui

Phd student , University Mohamed VI Polytechnic
Atika Atika

Atika Atika

Head of Climtae and Marketing service at Regional direction, Direction Générale de la Météorologie
Mohamed Bouchakor

Mohamed Bouchakor

chef de Service de Suivi des Conventions Internationales, ANEF
Edward Bam

Edward Bam

University Prof, UM6P
Younes dahhane

Younes dahhane

Phd Candidate, University Mohammed VI Polytechnique(UM6P)/International Water Research Institute (IWRI)
Hammed Opeyemi Rasaq

Hammed Opeyemi Rasaq

PhD Candidate (Climate Change Adaptation and Water Resource Management) , Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Brahim Jaafar

Brahim Jaafar

coordonnateur national du projet de gestion intégrée du littoral , UNDP/DDD
Cheikh Tidiane Toure

Cheikh Tidiane Toure

Regional Liaison Officer , UNCCD