Colin Herron

Colin Herron

Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, Water Solutions for the SDGs, Global Water Partnership
Mohamad Herlin Idris

Mohamad Herlin Idris

Master Student, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Nicolas Jarraud

Nicolas Jarraud

Senior Specialist, Engagement and Partnerships Development, Global Water Partnership (GWP)
Awoibi Joe-Ukairo

Awoibi Joe-Ukairo

Flannery Johnson

Flannery Johnson

Research Associate, UNU-ViE
Mathews Kalabo

Mathews Kalabo

National Coordinator, Zambia Youth Water Forum
Lara Khasawneh

Lara Khasawneh

PhD Candidate , University of Szeged
Khaoula Khemiri

Khaoula Khemiri

Postdoctoral, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis
Abdul Khurshid

Abdul Khurshid

Predident/CEO, Association for Humanitarian Development
A Kuye

A Kuye

Student, NUH
Euphresia L

Euphresia L

Water Governnace Specialist , IC
Mario Lambán

Mario Lambán

Tech specialist, Global Water Partnership