Bogere Muzamiru

Bogere Muzamiru

Social Scientist, Ministry of Water and Environment
Misheck Mwanza

Misheck Mwanza

Water Development Officer , Department of Water Resources Development
Mirjam Namangudu

Mirjam Namangudu

M and T Fresh Greens
Prasanth Natarajan

Prasanth Natarajan

SDG Policy Consultant , Edenz India
Priya Nath

Priya Nath

Equality, Inclusion and Rights Advisor, WaterAid
Tsepang Ngatane

Tsepang Ngatane

Student , National University of Lesotho
Louise claire NGATCHOUP

Louise claire NGATCHOUP

student, Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (including climate change)
Leticia Ngorima

Leticia Ngorima

Regional Communication Specialist, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa
Duong Nguyen

Duong Nguyen

Manager , ESD
Anh Nguyen Tien

Anh Nguyen Tien

Government trainee, RVO
Sondos Njoumi

Sondos Njoumi

Programme Officer, Global Water Partnership Mediterranean
Brendaline Shieke Nkenen

Brendaline Shieke Nkenen

Consultant, Institute of international relations of Cameroon