Case studies Case studies Find stories that illustrate practical experiences gathered in the implementation of IWRM. Case studies are submitted by practitioners and professionals from all over the world and reviewed by the GWP knowledge management team. 0 case studies in comparison list You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Search by keyword Related IWRM Tools A1.02. Policies with Relation to Water ResourcesB1.02. Local AuthoritiesB2.03. Community-based water supply and management organisationsB3.05. Multi-Stakeholder PartnershipsB4.02. Training Water ProfessionalsC3.02. Supply EfficiencyC3.03. Recycle and ReuseC3.04. Nature Based SolutionsC5.02. Behaviour Change CommunicationD2.01. Integrated National Financing FrameworksD2.06. Water and Climate FinanceWater Allocation Regimes Region - Any -AfricaAsiaAmericasEurope Country ArgentinaGhanaIndiaMoroccoRepublic of Moldova (the)Uzbekistan Challenge - Any -MiniMax Competition - Solutions for Managing Water and Climate Extremes Sort by A → ZZ → AOldest firstNewest first Apply Case Study Argentina: Drinking water supply system for rural population of Eastern Tucuman 2013 compare Case Study Ghana: Integrating water security into the national development planning process 2014 compare Case Study India: Nationwise Rainwater Management Program (NRWM) in Kavas 2021 compare Case Study Moldova: Decrease of water pollution sources in Prut river basin through best agricultural practices 2011 compare Case Study Morocco: Fonds de l'eau du Sebou 2019 compare Case Study Uzbekistan: Improved irrigation based on IWRM approaches 2013 compare