The UN-Water SDG 6 Data Portal brings all the United Nation’s water and sanitation information into one place.
Hydrological, environmental, social, and economic information from all countries and regions is integrated and presented in a range of infographics. Designed for decision-makers, advisors, technical professionals, researchers, and students, there are tools to help users visualise and analyse the information, giving a clear picture of how the world is progressing towards the various SDG 6 targets.
The portal complements the Global SDG Indicators Database and indicator-specific databases.
The objectives of the portal are to:
- Track overall progress towards SDG 6 at global, regional, and national levels.
- Enable assessment and analysis of the state of water resources and linkages to other sectors.
- Raise awareness of water and sanitation issues to help catalyse action.
- Encourage and improve SDG 6 monitoring and reporting at all levels.
- Be an entry point to the wealth of water and sanitation information available within the United Nations system.
Global Water Partnership is a partner of the UN-Water, working on advancing a number of IWRM initiatives contributing to SDG 6.5 target. See more via the link.