Throughout the evaluation process, all key informants highlighted the relevance of 2030 WRG as a global construct aimed at supporting resolution of water security issues at the national level through MSPs. Systemic failure with political or power imbalances makes initiatives like 2030 WRG that foster actionoriented dialogue all the more important. Indeed, without efforts to forge familiarity and some level of trust among stakeholders, it is easy to see water risk “descending into a blame game”. This review underscores the high relevance of 2030 WRG’s strategy and approach from the perspective of the SDG agenda in responding to national and sub-national needs. This evaluation also provides evidence of the significant tangible and intangible improvements brought about by the program in the enabling environment for WRM. Ultimately, given its positive influence on water resilience, 2030 WRG is a viable mechanism contributing to “healthy people, healthy economies, and a healthy planet”. Among other significant benefits resulting from the MSP approach, it is worth stressing here that by institutionalizing both the MSP space but also the proposed solutions, continuity and institutional memory are protected as individuals come and go. Also, forging familiarity and trust in one area (water security) can model behaviors for and spillover into other thematic areas, thus creating a virtuous cycle of engagement between and among stakeholders.
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