Event date 24 Out '23 11:30 - 13:00 (UTC)
1 comment

Dear IDMP partners, observers, and friends,

We invite you to our next joint Virtual Exchange on Drought Indicators and Indices!

It will take place on Tuesday, 24 October at 12:30 PM-2.00 PM CEST.

Please register by clicking this link: https://gwp-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlcO-grjsqG9OYioW89aC95iD2rj6WxSip

As usual, we will have a marketplace place where we invite partners to present their projects and initiatives briefly (3 minutes each).

Please send a message to Sheilla Baldeon at sbaldeon@wmo.int to suggest a contribution or post your idea in the discussion thread below this notice!
