This report provides an overview of the current status of national legislation and institutional arrangements of relevance to EIAs and SEAs across the globe, as well as emerging issues and trends. It does this primarily through providing examples from a wide selection of countries of their EIA/SEA arrangements and in relation to the different steps of the EIA/SEA processes. These steps include: (1) Screening; (2) Scoping and Impact Analysis; (3) Review of the EIA/SEA report; (4) Decision-making; (5) Follow-up and Adaptive Management and (6) Public Participation as a cross-cutting issue.
It is hoped that this report and the many examples, experiences and practices contained in it will support legal practitioners and policy makers in making well-informed decisions when drafting, implementing or aiming to improve their laws and policies related to EIAs and SEAs.
The report, and in particular the section on public participation in EIAs/SEAs, is also of relevance to civil society, including the general public. It can for example be used as a resource for NGOs to better understand the concept of EIAs and SEAs and the benefits that can be derived in terms of preserving the environment and the broader sustainable development agenda. Further, it is hoped that readers will generally feel empowered to have their voices heard in EIA or SEA processes in their countries and thus make use of the available mechanism for public participation at different stages of the EIA and SEA process.