he Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO) is an exclusive government institution (created by Water Resources Planning Act, 1992) under the ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh for Macro-level water resources planning and management in Bangladesh by pursuing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). It is the central coordinating body for the water sector and acts as an Executive Secretariat of the Executive Committee of the National Water Resources Council (ECNWRC). The Bangladesh Water Act, 2013; The Water Resources Planning Act, 1992; National Water Policy, 1999; Coastal Zone Policy, 2005; National Water Management Plan, 2004; National Water Resources Council (NWRC); the Executive Committee of the National Water Resources Council (ECNWRC), etc. have given mandated task for WARPO. The four main task of WARPO are to prepare and update the National Water Resources Plan (NWRP); update and maintain the National Water Resources Database (NWRD); act as a clearing house role for all projects undertaken by any agency involved in the water sector; and coordinate & implement Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). From the creation of WARPO, it has made remarkable contribution to water sector, Bangladesh. However, a lot of gaps are existing in this Organization. The existing staffing structure, strength, support and service of WARPO are not sufficient to commensurate with its mandate and redefined functions effectively. This study has identified the contribution of WARPO in Water Sector and at the same time has identified the existing gaps in this organization and finally has recommended the tasks to become the centre of excellence in Water sector Bangladesh.
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