The purposes of this Act are
- to foster sustainability;
- to protect the components of the environment, and the health, social and economic conditions that are within the legislative authority of Parliament from adverse effects caused by a designated project;
- to establish a fair, predictable and efficient process for conducting impact assessments that enhances Canada’s competitiveness, encourages innovation in the carrying out of designated projects and creates opportunities for sustainable economic development;
- to ensure that impact assessments of designated projects take into account all effects — both positive and adverse — that may be caused by the carrying out of designated projects;
- to ensure that designated projects that require the exercise of a power or performance of a duty or function by a federal authority under any Act of Parliament other than this Act to be carried out, are considered in a careful and precautionary manner to avoid adverse effects within federal jurisdiction and adverse direct or incidental effects;
- to promote cooperation and coordinated action between federal and provincial governments — while respecting the legislative competence of each — and the federal government and Indigenous governing bodies that are jurisdictions, with respect to impact assessments;
- to promote communication and cooperation with Indigenous peoples of Canada with respect to impact assessments;
- to ensure respect for the rights of the Indigenous peoples of Canada recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, in the course of impact assessments and decision-making under this Act;
- to ensure that opportunities are provided for meaningful public participation during an impact assessment, a regional assessment or a strategic assessment;
- to ensure that an impact assessment is completed in a timely manner;
- to ensure that an impact assessment takes into account scientific information, Indigenous knowledge and community knowledge;
- to ensure that an impact assessment takes into account alternative means of carrying out a designated project, including through the use of best available technologies;
- to ensure that projects, as defined in section 81, that are to be carried out on federal lands, or those that are outside Canada and that are to be carried out or financially supported by a federal authority, are considered in a careful and precautionary manner to avoid significant adverse environmental effects;
- to encourage the assessment of the cumulative effects of physical activities in a region and the assessment of federal policies, plans or programs and the consideration of those assessments in impact assessments; and
- to encourage improvements to impact assessments through the use of follow-up programs.