This report comprises a resource kit that presents information and experiences on participatory methods in order to support the adoption of participatory approaches in World Bank-supported projects and studies. These materials provide core information about the different methods and applications, with the primary focus on providing practical guidance and case examples. The modules presented are on the following topics: social assessment, stakeholder analysis, participatory methodologies, and participatory monitoring and evaluation. The participatory methodologies showcased are the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), the SARAR (Self-esteem, Associative strength, Resourcefulness, Action planning, and Responsibility), and the BA (Beneficiary Assessment). The modules include four sections: an overview; a sample of trademark techniques and tools with brief guidelines for their use and short examples of their applications in the field; case studies of four or five countries to show the process and techniques involved, the difficulties and limitations encountered, and the outputs and impacts where the methodology has been applied; and suggestions for seminars.