Description / Abstract

The EU-NGOs project "Strengethening Environmental Governance by Bulding the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)" is a global project funded by the European Union (EU), implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and delivered and co-financed by the Global Environment Facilty (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP). This publication: 1. Outlines the conceptual basis of the EU-NGOs Project and its community-led approach to strengthening environmental governance by increasing civil society participation in related processes;2. Presents a selection of eight EU-NGOs country case studies (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine and Ukraine) setting the local context based on which supported initiatives were developed, describing project activities and objectives, as well as reporting on key achievements, impacts and lessons learned from these on-the-ground initiatives; and3. Highlights some key overall impacts and lessons learned from on-the-ground implementation of community-led projects related to environmental governance in EU-neighboring countries. The EU-NGOs project has produced considerable results with positive effects beyond the supported NGOs, as a large number of CSOs and NGOs have been reached through such tools as a training-of-trainers approach, partnerships, and dedicated networks. The case studies provided in this report aim to share valuable insights to such approaches that can be used as a basis for replication in similar initiatives around the world.

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