IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Wener Ochoa

Wener Ochoa

Profesor , Universidad de San Carlos
Husam Khamis Ghaithan

Husam Khamis Ghaithan

Head of WASH Emergency Unit , MWE Yemen
Carey Owiti

Carey Owiti

Hydrologist, MoWSI
Wener Armando Orózco

Wener Armando Orózco

Profesor , Universidad de San Carlos
Fidel Santiago Saloj

Fidel Santiago Saloj

Agua y Saneamiento , Mancomunidad Tzolojya
Said Omar

Said Omar

Assistant Government Chemist , Ministey of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
José María Escobar

José María Escobar

Gestión Recurso Hidrico, Consejo Nacional del Agua, Esp. SIG
Aude Farnault

Aude Farnault

Policy Analyst, OECD
Franz Höllhuber

Franz Höllhuber

Wat San Eng, AWF
Danille Gordon

Danille Gordon

Communications Assistant, Cap-Net UNDP
yasmin hassan

yasmin hassan

statistician for sustainable development unit, capmas


Secrétaire Exécutif/ Président, Partenariat National de l'Eau du Bénin/CANEA