IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Gerold Winkler

Gerold Winkler

Senior scientist, University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna
Sajid Karim

Sajid Karim

Research Fellow, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)


Ingénieur, Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Carlos R Martinez

Carlos R Martinez

Programe officer for SDG 6 for CAM - SAM, GWP CAM - SAM
Hasina Ibrahimkhil

Hasina Ibrahimkhil

WASH Advisor , USAID
Jamal A Jamaludin

Jamal A Jamaludin

Urban Planner cum Geospatialist, H2O DataTech
Saleh MK Saleh

Saleh MK Saleh

Senior Legal Counsel, Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit
Reem Digna

Reem Digna

Assisstant Professor , University of Khartoum
Daniyar Sagadiyev

Daniyar Sagadiyev

Deputy Director of Transboundary water department, Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Kazakhstan
HanChul Kim

HanChul Kim

WASH specialist, unicef
Richard Grünwald

Richard Grünwald

Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of International Rivers and Eco-Security
Zeyad Alshboul

Zeyad Alshboul

Dean, Engineering Faculty, Ajloun National University