Welcome in the Community of Practice for Integrated Drought Management Programme!
Disclaimer: Most content is only visible to the community members, please join to see more.
This community aims to engage drought experts, practitioners and other stakeholders from different sectors and levels to discuss, exchange knowledge and experiences, establish synergizes with other organizations and learn about the integrated approaches for drought management.
Collaboration among sectors, between different levels and organizations is a key element of proactive integrated drought management. This will result in wider promotion of the IDMP approach, increased capacities, enhanced intersectoral cooperation and new projects/activities which will further implement the three-pillar approach.
Objectives of CoP IDMP are therefore following:
- Encourage networking among experts and practitioners by exchanging knowledge, experiences on specific issues related to drought management (e.g. south-south cooperation).
- Encourages dialogue and collaboration as a means to inform and accelerate the development and use of effective drought tools.
- Reduce the gap among the experts and practitioners by showcasing implementation examples (mitigation measures, drought plans, etc.) and discuss the main implementation challenges.
- Sharing the news, events, good examples, case studies and projects from different regions and contexts.
- Create a space to identify new topics of research, connecting individuals from around the world and allowing them to work together on topics of similar interest.
- Raising awareness about the relevance, past and potential future impacts of water scarcity and droughts.
- Enhance exchanges of good practices in drought management.
We would like to thank you for joining the community and are looking forward to your contributions!