Johannes Iithindi

Johannes Iithindi

Environmental Health and Safety Practitioner,
Mathews Kalabo

Mathews Kalabo

National Coordinator, Zambia Youth Water Forum
Hervé Kasokota kapesa

Hervé Kasokota kapesa

Lefika S Keitumetse

Lefika S Keitumetse

Technical Director , Gran Equipo
Nomalungelo Khumalo

Nomalungelo Khumalo

Vice secretary , Saywin Eswatini
Abdul Khurshid

Abdul Khurshid

Predident/CEO, Association for Humanitarian Development
Koetlisi Koetlisi

Koetlisi Koetlisi

Country Program Manager - Lesotho ICM Project, Africa Water Investment Programme , Global Water Partnership Southern Africa
Musaope Kondwelani Mtamba

Musaope Kondwelani Mtamba

Kabelo Lekalakala

Kabelo Lekalakala

Member, SAYWIN
Mohamad Mahgoub Hamid

Mohamad Mahgoub Hamid

Energy and Water Consultant ,
Gergana Majercakova

Gergana Majercakova

Sr Learning Specialist, GWP
Jermaine Mbundu

Jermaine Mbundu

Manager , DB Technology Investments cc